Provacy policy

Bigone engine understands that using and sharing your information is vital to you. Bigone engine wants to make you feel secure and comfortable doing business with us as part of our dedication to customer service. Here are some standards that Bigone engine adheres to when it comes to gathering and using your information, including your Personal Information and our efforts to keep it private. Bigone engine retains the right to change this Privacy Statement at its sole discretion.

This Privacy Statement explains how we collect, use, protect, and disclose your information when you visit and website at across the United States, or when you use any other services. Then this Privacy Statement also educates you about specific options and rights you have in relation to your data and how to control your data privacy.

Please keep in mind that this Privacy Statement does not apply to the practices of other parties, such as our partners, third-party service providers, and/or advertising, even if such services are branded as or delivered on behalf of Bigone engine. Other entities’ privacy rules govern information collected from you by others, such as third-party websites that you access through links on the Website. Please read the privacy rules of such third parties carefully.

The Bigoneengine Websites’ data gathering and usage methods are substantially identical to how Bigone engine obtains customer information when you visit the website. However, there may be variations between how the App collects and uses your information and how websites or stores gather and use your information. These distinctions will be highlighted throughout the policy.

We Gather Information:

To deliver and enhance our Services, Bigoneengine may gather personal information about you. The kinds of personal information Bigone engine may have collected in the previous twelve months, and the sources from which that information may have been obtained are described below.

“Personal Information” refers to data that identifies, relates to, describes, is fairly capable of being associated with, may be reasonably linked to, or could be used to directly or indirectly identify a specific person or household (or from those and other information either in our possession or likely to come into our possession). If that information may be used to identify you, your home, or your device, it may also include additional information related to your Personal Information, such as Generic Information (defined below), location, preferences, or interests.

Business Information :

Bigoneengine is a business-to-business solution that assists our commercial customers in meeting their needs. As a result, we gather a lot of information from our clients about their businesses, such as their company’s name, address, zip code, phone number, email address, financial account information to enable transactions, vehicle details, and other business-related information. Additionally, to fulfill an order or inquiry, Bigone engine may need to collect information about an individual’s role within the company, such as the individual’s name, title, location, phone number, email address, other contact information, information related to a “Bigoneengine” Account with the Website, and other information.

Personal Information :

When you use our Services, we may collect the following “Personal Information” about you: your name, address, zip code, phone number, email address, gender, age, date of birth, and information about your vehicle (such as your Vehicle Identification Number (“VIN”) and year). When you buy from our website, Bigone engine may collect your credit card information and billing address; however, your payment card information is securely transmitted to our payment card processor and is not held by Bigone engine. When you create a personal “Account” with the Websites or a “My Account” account inside the Apps, we will also collect your email address and a specific password. We may also gather data and information about your location.

Generic Information may include data about Website pages visited and visit length, App usage, device information, your IP address, browser or operating system information, or other information about your contact with our Websites or Apps. Generic Information may be used or combined in ways that identify you, your firm, or your position within it in some circumstances. In some cases, the information will be classified as either Business Information or Personal Information, depending on the circumstances.

Cookies and Tracking Data:

The Websites and Apps may utilize third-party goods and services, such as cookies and web beacons, to collect anonymous traffic data. A cookie is a little bit of data kept on your device that aids in recognition of you by websites, apps, and various servers. Other tracking technologies, such as pixels or transparent GIF files, may be used by bigoneengine and its third-party service providers for app and website administration and user tracking.

pome of the cookies we employ are “strictly required” for our Websites and Apps to function properly. Others add to the operation of our websites and apps but aren’t necessarily required. Some cookies help us enhance the functionality of our Websites and Apps (for example, by collecting analytic data), while others help us offer you personalized services (like ads that you may be interested in).

We use the following types of cookies:

Other Technologies:

To improve our website’s quality and the services we provide, we gather a variety of information from other technologies. For example, we may collect Usage Data and other information about the device you use to access our Apps and Websites, as well as information about your operating system and/or mobile device type, browser type, domain, and other system settings, as well as the language your system uses and the country and time zone where your device is located. The IP address of the device you use to connect to the Internet may be recorded by us.

Cookie Selections:

You have complete control over how you wish to use or allow cookies to be used on your devices. You may use your browser or mobile device settings to reject or refuse all cookies, get a notification when a cookie is delivered, or limit otherwise which cookies your browser or mobile device accepts. You may also change your settings and erase any cookies currently saved on your device. To learn how to control the placement and/or removal of cookies and other technologies, check the instructions supplied by your browser or mobile device maker. Limiting or blocking the use of cookies and other technologies, on the other hand, may limit or prevent you from performing some transactions, using certain activities, or accessing certain information on our Website.

Bigone engine shares non-personally identifiable Generic Information about website users with third parties to monitor cross-device interaction and targeted advertising, including on other websites. Bigone engine accomplishes this by combining cookie data with web beacons. When you visit and interact with the Websites, Bigoneengine may also utilize third-party organizations to offer advertising services and/or collect certain information. During your visit to the Websites and/or other websites, these third-party companies may collect and use non-personally identifiable Generic Information (click stream information, browser type, time and date, subject of advertisements clicked or scrolled over) to provide advertisements about goods and services likely to be of greater interest to you.

These third-party firms may use cookies and other technologies to identify your browser to collect and store information about your online browsing behavior, including your websites and apps’ activities. You can opt-out of having non-personal information or cookies used to target adverts to you by the third-party service providers and altering your browser or device’s cookie settings. These third-party firms may use cookies and other technologies to identify your browser to collect and store information about your online browsing behavior, including your websites and apps’ activities. You can opt-out of having non-personal information or cookies used to target adverts to you by the third-party service providers and altering your browser or device’s cookie settings.

Personal Data Collected in the Previous 12 Months

Over the previous 12 months, Bigoneengine has not gathered any additional sorts of Personal Information from our customers and visitors.

How Do We Gather Information About You?

Bigonengine obtains your information in various ways, including information you provide, the information we acquire from your use of our Services, such as our Websites and Apps, and information we obtain from third parties.

Information You Provide: We gather the information you choose to share. To utilize some elements of our Apps and Websites, complete your requests with us, or offer you certain Services, we may ask you to give certain information – including Personal Information. When you purchase auto parts and accessories from our Websites, we will ask for your name, address, and credit card information. When you approach us with a question or remark, we may ask for your name, email address, or other contact information. If you make an account with us, we may ask you to submit your name, email address, and phone number and create a password. If you opt to join our mailing list, you will be asked to submit your email address. Bigone engine will primarily gather Business Information to fulfill orders placed by business clients.

Data Collected When You Use Our Services: We get specific information about you via your use of our Services, such as Website and other generic information. For example, we may collect information about the device you use to log into, access, and utilize our Websites when you use them. Other Generic Information on how you use our Websites, Apps, or other Services may be collected.

When you use our Website, we may ask for your location information to give nearby store locations and certain App features and Services. You can prevent location tracking, but if you do not disclose your location, some features of the Websites and Apps will not work properly.

Additional Generic Information: We may use other Generic information, such as aggregate statistics, about how you use our Websites, Apps, and other Services.

Other: We collect generic network information to ensure optimal Website and App functioning improvement.

Camera, Photos, and Media Files: You may upload photos and images from your smartphone to the Apps as part of your experience. The Apps may need to access or alter your camera, photo gallery, or other areas of your device that store media files to do so.

Phone and Contacts: The Apps may ask for access to your contacts on your smartphone. It may also need to use the phone functionalities on your smartphone to make direct calls and read phone status and identification.

Information We Collect from Other Sources / Third Parties: We may collect information about you from third parties that assist us in providing our Services. Our order fulfillment and shipping partners, for example, may provide us with information regarding your order or product return. We may also gather information from our marketing partners to provide you with information about items we believe you might be interested in. Finally, we may collect information about you, such as Generic Information and Business Information, that does not directly identify you but is used in a way that might turn it into Personal Information. For example, a part manufacturer or distributor may provide Bigone engine warranty or product recall information about a product you purchased from us. To offer you associated services, we may combine that generic information with your information in our national warranty database or other systems.

How We Collect Information for Business and Other Purposes

Bigone engine collects, processes, and utilizes your information to provide you with Bigone engine’s Services. As a result, we acquire information about you for a variety of reasons, including:

Unless you have opted not to receive such information, we will send you news (for example, via a newsletter), special offers, marketing or promotional materials, and general information about other goods, services, and events that we offer that are similar to those that you have already purchased or enquired about, or that we believe may be of interest to you. You can opt-out of receiving any or all of these communications from us by contacting us at the address below, or by clicking on the “unsubscribe” links in the email messages.

To present you with personalized content on the Websites and in email communications sent in conjunction with your use of the Websites, such as ads tailored to your demographics, interests, preferences, and purchase history.

We may also use “automatically collected” information and “cookie” information to: personalize our services, such as remembering your information, so you don’t have to re-enter it during your visit or the next time you visit the Websites or Apps; provide customized third-party advertisements, content, and information; monitor and analyze our effectiveness and third-party marketing activities; monitor aggregate usage metrics such as total number of visitors, pages viewed, and time spent on the Websites or Apps; and monitor aggregate usage metrics.

How We Share and Disclose Your Information

Why Do We Share Your Information?

Bigone engine may share customer Personal Information with third parties that supply Bigone engine with services and products. The following are just a few examples of how your information might be used:

Type of data which you provide us:

The data you provide us is used to provide service and give to Bigone engine’s service providers, Marketing partners, and other motor tiger entities.

Personal Information Disclosed for Business Purposes Categories: Bigone engine is a business-to-business solution for our corporate clients, not for individuals. As a result, the bulk of information given is your Business Information or Generic Information related to your function at work. We may also disclose your Personal Information for the above-mentioned business objectives. Most importantly, we must share your name, address, payment information, the items you have requested to purchase, and any other information related to your product order with those Fulfillment Providers (our payment card processor and our shipment, transportation, and/or delivery providers) who are required to complete your order.

To manage our Website, provide you with advertisements or other marketing, or provide additional services, we may need to disclose certain Generic Information, such as your IP address and/or browser information. When Business Information or Generic Information is used in a way that properly identifies or links you to you, it is considered Personal Information.

Personal Information Categories Sold: Bigone engine does not sell, rent, or lease any of its customers’ personal or business information to third parties. Bigone engine does not sell personal information about children under the age of sixteen.

Please keep in mind that a “sale” of Personal Information does not include situations in which such information is shared as part of a merger, acquisition, or other transaction involving all or part of our company. We may transmit your Personal Information to a third party as part of a merger or other business transaction if we sell all or part of our business, make a sale or transfer of assets, or are otherwise involved in a merger or other business transaction. If such a transaction significantly impacts how your Personal Information is processed, we will tell you before it is implemented.

Data Retention

Bigone engine will keep your Business Information and Personal Information for as long as is required for the reasons stated in this Privacy Statement. We will keep and use your Personal Information to the extent necessary to comply with our legal obligations (for example, if we are required by applicable laws to keep your data), resolve disputes, and enforce our legal agreements and policies, as well as for other commercial, retail, and/or marketing purposes.

Data Transfer

Individuals in the United States of America are welcome to use Bigone engine’s services. While our Websites and Apps are open to everyone interested in Bigone engine, we do not sell or make any products, goods, or other services available to anybody outside of the United States, including the European Union. Your data, including Personal Information, may be transmitted to and stored on computers outside your state, province, country, or other governmental jurisdiction, where data protection regulations may differ from those in your jurisdiction.

If you choose to give information to us from outside the United States, please be aware that we will transmit and handle your data, including Personal Information, in the United States. If you live in the European Union, you should be informed that the United States’ data protection rules are not considered as strong as those in the EU. Your submission of such information implies your approval to that transfer.

Data Protection

We care about the security of your information but keep in mind that no method of Internet transmission or computer storage is entirely safe. While we endeavor to safeguard your Personal Information against loss, misuse, and unauthorized access, modification, disclosure, and destruction using commercially reasonable techniques, we cannot guarantee its ultimate security. By using our Websites, Apps, and Services, you acknowledge that the use of the Internet has inherent data security and privacy limitations and that the security, integrity, and privacy of any and all information exchanged between you and Bigone engine or between you and other related entities, cannot be guaranteed.

We cannot guarantee or assure the security of any information you send us or store, and you do so at your own risk.

Any transactions you make with Bigone engine, including those made through our Websites and Apps, are processed by third-party payment processors. The payment processors’ privacy statements and security procedures govern the handling of those transactions. Bigone engine is not responsible for the data security procedures of third-party payment processors.

“Do Not Track” Policy CalOPPA (California Online Privacy Protection Act) signals.

Do Not Track (“DNT”) is not something we support. Do Not Track is a browser setting that lets websites know you don’t want to be monitored. You may enable or disable Do Not Track by going to your browser’s Preferences or Settings page; you may enable or disable Do Not Track. Consumers’ online activity may be tracked over time and across third-party Websites or online services. As we discussed previously, you may update your browser’s settings to change its acceptance of tracking technology.

Third parties may acquire information about you. Third-party reactions to do-not-track signals or other similar methods are beyond our control. Third parties use of data about you and their separate privacy rules regulate their response to do-not-track signals.

Your Privacy Rights in California

Under California law, residents have various rights regarding their personal information. Bigone engine seeks to take reasonable efforts to allow California residents to access, correct, modify, delete, or restrict the use of their Personal Information and exercise other legal rights. Individuals may be entitled to the following benefits under applicable legislation, according to Bigone engine:

Personal Information categories sold in the last 12 months;

The categories of third parties with whom Personal Information is shared, sold, or disclosed for a business purpose; the business or commercial purpose for collecting or selling Personal Information; and the categories of third parties with whom Personal Information is shared, sold, or disclosed for a business purpose.

Right to Opt-Out of Personal Information Sales: Under the California Consumer Privacy Act (“CCPA”), California individuals have the right to refuse the sale of their personal information in certain circumstances. However, as previously stated, Bigone engine does not sell personal information.

Right to Deletion / “Right to be Forgotten”: You have the right to have your Personal Information deleted in certain circumstances outlined by relevant data protection law and upon receipt of a verified request. Right to Data Portability: You have the right to request that we send your Personal Information directly to a third-party processor of your choice (where technically feasible; may be limited to situations when processing is based on your consent).

Right to Non-Discrimination: You have the right to non-discrimination in the Services or quality of Services you get from us for exercising your rights, as defined by applicable law.

To exercise these rights, please contact us using the information in the “Contact Us” section below. Before responding to such inquiries, we may require you to verify your identity.

Bigone engine’s Reward Programs

Individuals who participate in our “Bigone engine Rewards” rewards programs (collectively, “Rewards Programs”) get discounts and other advantages. You may make purchases to earn credits and savings on future purchases when you sign up for one of our Rewards Programs. We choose and customize coupons, promotions, and other discounts or offers based on what you buy and the stores and e-commerce platforms you use. By registering for the program, you agree to allow us to utilize your information to find the most appropriate coupons, promotions, and other discounts or offers for you.

We use the information we collect on our Bigone engine Rewards Program members to provide targeted incentives and value to our customers, which helps us build relationships with them and improve their entire experience. The value we pass on to you through our Rewards program and other incentives is not based on the value of the data you supply to us in any manner. Other than providing you with your Rewards, advantages, and other incentives, Bigone engine does not use your information for its reasons.

Our Rewards Programs are entirely optional. You can opt-out of Rewards Programs after enrolling by logging into your account or contacting us using the details provided below. While we will not penalize you for exercising your CCPA rights, we may be unable to give you tailored coupons, promotions, or other discounts or offers if you request the deletion of your personal information linked with your Rewards Program account. We may no longer be able to distribute or share customized coupon mailers or personalized digital offers with you, for example.

Disclosures for Direct Marketers

In addition to the rights set out above, if you are a California resident, you have the right to seek information from us about how we share certain categories of Personal Information with third parties for their direct marketing purposes. You have the right under California law to send us a request for the following information at the address stated below:

Please submit enough information for us to evaluate if this applies to you and attest to the fact that you are a California resident to make such a request. For our answer, please include a 6000 Big Pine Dr, Fontana, CA 92336 address. You can write to us at the address given to make this request. Any such request must begin with the phrase “California Privacy Rights Request” and contain your name, street address, city, state, and ZIP code. Please note that we are only obligated to reply to one request per customer per year, and we are not compelled to respond to requests sent to the address or toll-free number shown below.

It’s worth noting that responsive material may come in a set format that isn’t tailored to you.

Your Options

While Bigone engine encourages you to use the personalized features available on the Websites, you can access the majority of Bigone engine’s online services without registering. You may unsubscribe from the bigone engine mailing list at any time by clicking “unsubscribe” in the Bigone engine emails that are delivered to your email address. You may modify your profile at any moment to change your information. You can unsubscribe from motor Tiger promotional marketing emails by visiting, calling +1(888) 778 4437, or writing to the following address:

6000 Big Pine Dr, Fontana, CA 92336
Other Websites’ Links

The Websites and Apps of Bigone engine may contain links to other websites or services that we do not maintain. This Privacy Statement does not apply to third-party websites that may be connected to our Websites or Apps. Even though such services are branded as, or delivered on behalf of, Bigone engin, this Privacy Statement does not regulate the actions of third parties, such as our partners, third-party service providers, and/or advertising. bigone engine has no control over or responsibility for the security or privacy of those sites. Bigone engine recommends that you read the privacy policies on those sites.

Privacy of Children

All of our Services, including our Websites and Apps, are aimed at adults and are not intended for children under the age of 18 (“Children”). As a result, children under the age of 18 are not permitted to access our Websites or Apps. If you are under the age of 18, do not attempt to register for or use any of our Services, including our Websites and Apps, or supply us with any Personal Information.

We do not collect Personal Information from children under the age of 18. Please notify us if you are a parent or guardian and believe your kid has violated this Privacy Statement by providing us with Personal Information. If we learn that we have obtained Personal Information from children without parental consent, we will take measures to erase the data from our systems.

Changes to this Privacy Statement

Bigone engine reserves the right to change this Privacy Statement at any moment. Bigone engine will notify you of any major changes to its Privacy Statement by revising the Privacy Statement modification date above and displaying the changes on this website. Bigone engine encourages you to visit this website for changes on a regular basis.

Providing Bigone engine with a Verifiable Request

As previously stated, California citizens have specific rights to access, remove, or otherwise restrict their information’s use, acquisition, and/or distribution. Bigone engine will react to a “verifiable request” from an individual to exercise his or her rights under such laws – that is, where Bigone engine receives a request purporting to be from a specific individual and Bigone engine is able to authenticate the subject’s identification. The necessity to authenticate an individual’s identification is vital for protecting your information and ensuring that it is not shared with someone posing as you or acting on your behalf who is not allowed to do so.

You may make a verified request using our website, or the toll-free number indicated below in the “How to Contact Us for CCPA Requests” section, or as otherwise stated on our Websites and Apps (if such means are available). As part of the process, bigone engine will ask you for personal information so that we can verify your identification. This information might include your name, address, account information, and any other information bigone engine deems essential to fairly authenticate your identification and prevent your information from being shared with someone impersonating you. We will work quickly to fulfill your request after confirming your identification.

Please keep in mind that there may be times when we are unable to complete your request, such as when we are unable to locate any information on you inside your systems. In some cases, such as when your information is required to fulfill your order with us or to comply with a legal requirement, we may not be able to comply with your deletion request. We’ll let you know whether we can accommodate your request for rights.

If we have trouble establishing your identity, we may ask for more information. In the event that we are unable to authenticate your identity, we will not release your information or honor other requests. A consumer can appoint an “authorized agent” under California law to make certain verified requests on their behalf, such as the right to know what information we gather about them or the right to have their information deleted. We will ask you to identify and provide written consent for such people to serve as your authorized agent and exercise your applicable rights under California law in such cases since the security and privacy of your information is vital. This may necessitate us contacting you directly to warn you that someone claiming to be your agent is attempting to access or delete your data.

We will also independently verify your identification to guarantee that no one else is impersonating you and exercising your rights without your permission. If you cannot or will not obtain authorization in writing for an identified authorized agent to act on your behalf, or if we cannot independently authenticate your identity, we will not release your information or satisfy any other requests.

Contact Information for CCPA Requests.

Please contact Bigone engine if you have any concerns regarding this Privacy Policy, the practices of this site, or your interactions with this site:

Website: /Call Us at +1(888) 778 4437

Having trouble finding our privacy policy?

Individuals with disabilities who cannot access our privacy statement online may contact us at the above-mentioned address to inquire about obtaining a copy of our Privacy Statement in a more readily visible format.